Well. There’s a full seven days to go to the next radio show as we type this post, but the play list is pretty much done and dusted.
This is always bad news, cos there are bound to be some new tunes that fly through our radar between now and next week that we will feel forced to squeeze in. They are going to have to be real floor shakers to get onto this list though.
The play list mostly contains bands that are going to be playing gigs in the next three weeks and new releases that are too hot to leave out.
Without giving all of the game away, some of the gigs we will be previewing include Spanner, Dub the Earth, Sendelica and Speedometer, whilst some of the new releases featured will include Dreadzone, Thievery Corporation, Tiariwen and Mwstard. We will also be looking forward to the new film about Wales Expolits in Euro 2016 ‘Don’t take me home’.
Oh – and a look back at some of the albums released 40 years ago this week as punk was exploding.
It’s going to be one not to miss.
To listen live go to www.dapperfm.co.uk from 8pm o’clock hours on Tuesday 28th February.
And a big high five to our sponsors at www.unisoncwmtaflocalgov.wales .