The Artist Formerly Known as Ginger John has today announced that he is stepping down from his position of back bench internet radio DJ. His final show will be broadcast live on 27th September 2016, almost five years to the day since the airing of the first ever Peppermint Iguana Radio show.
David Cameron thought he was being clever by distracting the nation from the debate about grammar schools by announcing his retirement (we thought he fucked off weeks ago!). But his announcement was itself trumped by former grammar school boy Silver John announcing his own retirement.
John will now be concentrating on milking his bees, drinking decaffeinated tea (yes, there is such a thing) and haggling over Adam and the Antz singles at boot sales.
Despite not being able to turn a computer on himself, John has ridden shotgun on the Peppermint Iguana Radio show for five years, and his catchphrases such as ‘Fabulous’ and – erm – well his catch phrase – brings a smile to dozens of lonely people every other week.
Co-host Clint Iguana, was unavailable for comment at the time of going to press, although his agent has advised us that “the Peppermint Iguana Radio show will continue without the miserable silver haired bastard”.
Expect more details in the run up to Badly Drawn John’s final show.