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AKAHUM Electwistery

February 14, 2016 clintiguana 0

AKAHUM Electwistery (Worldvenue) 2007 It can be very difficult to get an ‘organic’ vibe going when making music with predominantly electronic ‘instruments’. Akahum have a […]

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October 3, 2015 clintiguana 0

Whiplash is a film about ambition, perfectionism and drive, disguised as a film about jazz drumming. Andrew Neiman (is a student that dreams of being […]

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September 20, 2015 clintiguana 0

1,2,3,4 (2011) 1234 is a tale of young love disguised as a film about a young indie band dreaming of making it big – but […]

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September 20, 2015 clintiguana 0

BEWARE OF MR BAKER (2012) Ginger Baker is often cited as the best rock drummer in history. This a description that sends Mr Baker into […]