News has reached Peppermint Iguana that there are going to be some changes to the team sheet of AOS3, with Big Sam currently unfit to play following an injury in training.
A post on the bands social media page stated: “It is with great sadness we have to report that Sam has decided to step back from the AOS3 live band, due to serious and ongoing back issues, leaving him in pretty much constant pain and unable to face the long vehicle journeys”.
“This was a terrible thing for us all, as Sam has been so vitally a pro-active band member since he joined in with the Great Caper in 2007- He has always been one of the most reliable and active musicians in the line-up of the last 10 years, and it is no exaggeration to say that we would never have achieved the last LP ‘Far and Few’ without a LOT of effort on his behalf”.
“There has been no horrible fall out, at least, he is still loved and we hope he can remain involved in some capacity with the band as he hopefully gets some relief and rest from the physical issues he is facing”.
“This weekend we will be joined instead by David Fraggle Fletcher, on guitar otherwise known as Fraggle by all and sundry, in his continuing mission to be the man in the most bands in the UK- and also by Rhiannon Crutchley from Tarantism”.
“We’ve been rehearsing with this pair of dazzling diamonds for a while now, and this line-up sounds really good, and it sparks memories of the AOS3 line-up that featured Keri McCormick on fiddle between 1992 and 1993. It is an inspiring sound, for sure, and a big shift for us- hopefully great new material lies ahead, as writing fresh material is the thing that personally keeps me excited about the whole project”.
We here are Peppermint Iguana would like to wish Sam a speedy recovery to rude health – although he aint the sloppy sort so it would be more appropriate for us to say “Sort yourself out ya big lazy wuss”.

Sam will be a tough act to follow, but the AOS3 squad clearly has strength in depth. Replacing Sam with Fraggle and Rhi, is like Bale and Messi coming off the bench to replace Ronaldo. We can’t wait to see the new formation in action.
(Note to Frag – you need to pull your finger out if you want to catch up with five bands Dan)
Read our interview with AOS3
Read a review of AOS3’s Far and Few album