We surfaced at the crack of mid afternoon. We had planned on getting up for Reverend Dread’s Sinday Service set in the dance tent at noon, but it was too warm and dry in the tent.

First stop was the cafe for a caramel Steamer then to stand at the back of the dance tent watching the big box little box crew grooving to one of the many DJs that made up Psy-Sunday. We then had a bit of a wander, took some photographs of the kids on the bungee swing, stuck our head inside the ‘psychonaught’ machine for a psychedelic ten minutes and back over to the buskers stage.
Again, there was some sort of hip hop jam going on. Clearly they had not spent half the day in bed like we had, ‘cos at four in the afternoon they had the thousand yard stare and mile wide grins, but still managed to get a decent free style beat box and rap session going.

The main event the survivors were waiting for on the Sunday was Bristol’s progressive hip hop crew, Regime. If ever there was proof that hip hop does not need to be about guns and hoes, Regime are it. Laying socially conscious rap over funky dubby beats they had the tired crowd bumping and grinding with an energy that belied the fun they had already squeezed into the weekend.

The stage crew tried to get Regime off the stage so the next band could come on to the Bar stage, but there seemed to be confusion over whether or not regime would be allowed to play any more tunes. Taking advantage of the chaos regime decided to go for it anyway. The stage crew looked a little bit frustrated, but to be fair, there was likely to be a riot if they had pulled Regime off in full swing.
We then headed back to the Vocal Harmonies tent (or whatever it was called) to catch an interesting little band that were mixing live music with samples in a sort of live mash up affair. We made a mental note of who they were then completely forgot. If anyone knows, please get in touch.
One of the best things about festivals is catching, and falling in love with, bands we have not seen before. Some festivals are jam packed with bands we already know and love and we sometimes miss out on new discoveries. Not so Landed. We had only heard of a handful of the bands playing so most of what we saw was new to us. The vast majority are bands that we will be keeping an eye out for in the future.
So, loads of new bands discovered, loads of old friends bumped into, loads of new friends made, all in the shadow of the mountains of Mid Wales. Some more next year? Yes please! (Can we order some warmer weather though?)