Third EP from the South West’s hottest property of the moment, The Blunders.
For a few years we have been banging on about the Blunders being one of the best new bands on the DIY scene. It’s about time we stopped calling them new because they can now rightly stand on their own two feet and go toe to toe with any of the established acts on the scene.
And this mature release does that growing reputation justice. Its difficult to put a finger on it, the previous two releases were pretty tight, but for some indefinable reason this release just says, ‘Ave that. We’ve arrived. Deal with it’.
The best laid plans of mice and punks often go awry, but lockdown has meant any plans by anyone have been knocked off course over the last year. The bulk of the EP was recorded in March 2020 with a few finishing touches added in January this year. Somewhere inbetween the work was mixed and overdubs… erm.. dubbed over.
A version of ‘Where’s Your Eyes’ appeared last year, but the version that appears here is noticeably different, with congas thrown into the mix and some techno style effects created by creative use of guitar pedals.
On the subject of pedals, The Blunders have achieved what may well be the holy grail for any band, they have a distinct and unique sound. When you hear them you know instantly it’s the Blunders, no one else sounds like this.
And what a wicked sound it is. Angry, distorted post punk with a definite 21st century edge. A contemporary twist on a tried and tested formula.
Mark’s vocals have a gruff rasping edge to them that perfectly compliment the intense sound knocked out by this tight three peice outfit. He also manages to do what many bands with a ‘message’ bizarrely fail to do. You can actually understand the lyrics.
And they certainly have a message to get over.
The release opens up with ‘The Outrage Industry’ which tells of the government’s cheating, provocative lies and conspiracy theories on social media, constantly fuelling outrage and then directing it at the people who need help the most.
‘Feed the Machine’ reflects on the fact that with the best will in the world we are all part of the military industrial complex. And most people don’t care or want to change that.
With a chorus of ‘Kill Everybody’, ‘Steve’s Beretta’ could come over as a call to arms for psycho killers, but we are assured the band has never killed anyone and there is no Beretta in any of their gloveboxs (anymore). Its a reflection on the dog eat dog attitude of panic buying and how that negativity can be infectious.
Track four, at a casual listen, sounds as angry as the rest of the EP. But if you pay attention, its actually quite romantic, a tour postcard to Mark’s partner, ‘Lovely lovely Helen’ and he cant wait to see her. Bless
‘Armed with Music and Drugs’ returns of the theme of disaffection and active resistance. It’s about increasing pressure on the government by not fitting in. Being everything they hate and proud of it. We are not selling guns to Yemen. Drugs and music are not the problem..
‘Sunrise (Where’s your eyes)’ winds up thr EP and continues to ask who’s the enemy is, and expresses despair that people are not rising up – or at least helping each other more.
Now we have sat down and Analysed each track, the title ‘Can’t Belive it’s not Better’ makes more sense. Not just a crafty bit of subvertising, but a howl at the moon. Come on people, look at what’s in front of you . If not now, when? If not us, who?
But dont too depressed, it’s all set to a fucking wicked backing track that sets this lot apart from the anarcho punk crowd.
Out on 20th February, but you can pre order now on bandcamp.