Another compilation to raise awareness of – and funds for – the fight against Coronavirus in Italy. Features a massive 116 tracks, mostly punk and mostly Italian.
The whole proceeds will go entirely to the support of the project “STOP to the coronavirus” to support the ASST West Milanese foundation (hospitals Magenta – LEGNANO – ABBIATEGRASSSO – CUGGIOO)
Compilation will be a minimum of 2 euro, but we trust in your heart. Inside you will find more than 100 bands song from all over Italy and even out (Brazil, Germany, USA …) all united for this project…. buy and spread the voice.
BARGAIN! 116 tracks for next to nothing – unless you want to dig a little deeper. What more can we say?
Well, we had better say a bit about it I suppose. Firstly let’s look at the label. In their own words (with a little bit of help from an internet translation app)
OUT OF CONTROL PRODUZIONI was born from the idea of giving a strong hand to the Italian combat scene.
Through the experience accumulated in over 15 years of punk music, we have decided to create this independent label that also deals with booking and organizing events, aimed at promoting a type of anti-fascist and anti-racist music
So far so good. Their heart seems to be in the right place.
With this many tracks we will be here all day talking about them all, so this review will only scratch the surface.
Most of the tunes are sung in Italian with a few in English (and perhaps some in Spanish?). The one thing most of them have in common is they are all short bursts of energy with attitude – mostly 1980’s style angry punk rock. Well, we think they are angry, not understanding the lyrics means we have to take a leap of faith here. Even some of the tunes that have English titles are actually sun in Italian.
There are quite a few in English though and most of them confirm our theory (although not sure about ‘Proud to make your puke’ by Cranked).
The Rootical Foundation provide one of a handful of changes of tempo, bringing a reggae vibe to the table. Appropriately they call for us to all stay human in this time of crisis.
Whilst most of the bands on here are new to us, the legend that is Manu Chao drops in for track number 107, with Rude Ghetto 84 singing ‘Politik Kills’.
With this number of tracks the odds are anyone with even a passing interest in punk rock is going to find something of interest. So just dip in to your virtual pocket and give them some of your hard earned – you could even reward their faith in humanity by weighing in above the minimum price. Go on. You know you want some.