LISTEN LIVE: Iguana Radio # 170 – Merthyr Rising Special 08/05/18

Our next show will be a Merthyr Rising Festival special, and we will be joined in the studio by Lyn Williams, director of the festival, and Peter Crews from UNISON, major partners of the event.

Expect a play list chock a block full of bands playing Merthyr Rising, the festival celebrating the workers uprising of 1831, at which the red flag was flown as a sign of protest the first time anywhere in the world.

So you can expect the likes of Dreadzone, Ruts DC, Regime, Roughneck Riot, Captain Ska, The Blockheads, Parkview, The Alarm and much more.

For more details about this awesome festival, go to

Tune in from 8pm O’clock on Tuesday 8th May – go to and click on the listen live button.

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